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Reviews from Legacy Alumni


“When I was initially invited to join Legacy, I didn’t think I had time for it.  I was wrong.  It has been incredibly helpful in resetting and reprioritizing my schedule in prayer, scripture reading, and the spiritual disciplines.  I underestimated the ability of like-minded brothers to encourage me in such a way that made the process both an encouragement -- a sharpening -- and an enjoyment at the same time.”



“Legacy Leadership Network is exactly what Christian men need today: an opportunity to build upon a foundation of faith in a way that establishes a daily walk consistent with that of Christ.  Over the course of 12 months, participants experience fellowship, accountability, encouragement, and teaching necessary to identify distractions and build spiritual disciplines that will change all aspects of their lives.  No matter what season you're in or where the roller-coaster of life has you, Legacy will draw you closer to God and a deeper understanding of His word, His love, and His plans for you.  Blessings await not only in your life, but in all those around you!"



“Legacy is not just another study, or group of believers meeting on a consistent basis.  Rather, it is a faith strengthening and relationship-changing endeavor that will bring you closer to Jesus than you have likely been before.  It is as professional as it is challenging, an environment where believers increase discernment becoming like sharpened iron, formed to pierce and lead the marketplace in the name of Jesus Christ.”


“I have been humbled by the opportunity to share this experience in Legacy with a group of like-minded Christ-followers. With minimal previous exposure to varying Christian books, mainly being the Bible and a few small studies, the breadth of the readings and discussions we have had opened my eyes to a completely unexplored world of Christian belief and study. It has been a great experience to learn and grow with this group.”



“Legacy-Leadership has been everything I had hoped and expected.  It is a year-long journey in spiritual, leadership, and fellowship growth.  The structure and curriculum will create a daily disciplined habit that will impact all areas of your life.”



“I am very thankful that I was introduced to the Legacy Leadership program… it became a group of men that challenged me and helped me grow in my walk with Christ.  The program helped me accomplish one of my longest standing personal goals (20 year+) which is to read the Bible daily and read it cover to cover, and I can’t wait to start at Genesis 1:1 again next year.”

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