Preparing Today's Leadership for Global Impact

Legacy Leadership Network exists to challenge, equip, and grow Christian leaders to be world-changers for Jesus Christ. Our world is in desperate need of world-changing followers of Jesus Christ. It needs men and women who authentically live out their faith in their homes, neighborhoods, communities, workplaces, and around the world. An authentic Christian witness is largely absent from these spaces today.
For the Christian, Jesus made his Kingdom-centered approach to life clear in Matthew 6:33a: “seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness.” As Christians do so, they leave a lasting impact on the world by leading others to Christ and discipling them in the faith (Matthew 28:18-20).
Becoming a world-changing follower of Jesus Christ begins with the soul – the spiritual side of all people. The soul is filled only through the Gospel of Jesus and is maintained and matured only through a vibrant relationship with the Lord. Legacy Leadership will first and foremost cultivate the growth of the soul.
But faith must also be lived out in the real world, so Legacy will move leaders toward living out their faith in their places of influence – the home, the church, the community, the workplace, and the world. This will be accomplished in the context of both large group and small group gatherings of fellow believers called the Legacy Leadership Network. Legacy participants will be committed to discipleship, accountability, and results.
The ideal candidate for the Legacy Leadership Network is a person of influence in their community, their organization, or their workplace. They have a deep desire to leverage their influence for God’s Kingdom. They are committed spending time in directed personal study and monthly meetings in order to propel them into greater effectiveness. They practice radical transparency and truthfulness as they meet with their fellow Legacy peers. Ultimately, they desire to put their faith into practice as they fulfill their leadership roles in their organizations and communities.
The Program
Legacy Leadership Network participants meet twice a month beginning in January. Legacy starts with a one-night orientation retreat in January and includes a second two-night retreat in October. Members commit to being present at a monthly large group meeting (Fridays, 7-8:30 am), and a 4-person small group gathering (a “Quad”) that meets for 1.5 hours at a time and location determined by the group. Participants come prepared by doing their required reading, memorization work, and self-evaluations.
The Four-Twelves
Legacy participant material is broken into four sets of twelve – the “Four-Twelves.” Each of the Four-Twelves comes with teaching materials and includes a monthly self-evaluation grid to be completed by the member for small group discussion.
12 Kingdom-Centered Living Practices
Soul Cultivation
Exemplary Character
Intellectual Growth
Healthy Living
Family Priority
Deep Friendships
Church Involvement
Kingdom Ministry
Community Engagement
Servant Leadership
Strategic Leadership
Global Impact
12 Classic Spiritual Disciplines
Study/Scripture Memory
12 Month Bible Ready Plan
Legacy members will follow a Bible reading plan that covers the entire Bible in twelve months utilizing the YouVersion Bible app. Readings take approximately 10-15 minutes a day.
12 Great Books
Legacy members will read one book a month. Titles include Christian classics like Mere Christianity (Lewis) and The Cost of Discipleship (Bonhoeffer), as well as modern must-reads such as On Guard (Craig), Renovation of the Heart (Willard), and The Treasure Principle (Alcorn).
Other Materials -- in addition to the Four-Twelves, participants will have other two other assignments to prepare for prior to each monthly meeting:
The Four-Fives Goal Sheet -- The Four-Fives lists 5 goals for 4 key areas of self-improvement and accountability for the next meeting:
GOSPEL 5 ~ 5 people to pray about and share Christ with for the following month
DAILY 5 ~ 5 habits/disciplines you need to focus on for the following month
DISCIPLE 5 ~ 5 people to invite to join you for discipleship and prayer
PRAY 5 ~ 5 prayer focus points for the following month
Scripture Memory -- Participants will memorize 5-6 verses a month, using the BibleMemory Pro app. These verses are “must memorize” verses from the Old and New Testament -- the most familiar, well-known, and Gospel-critical verses. Along the way, participants will learn basic Greek and Hebrew, Biblical Chronology, critical Bible facts, and Gospel threads woven throughout the Old Testament.
A Typical Meeting
Legacy members prepare for the monthly large group meeting by completing Bible and book reading. The Quad meeting focuses on the self-evaluation forms, memorization work, and the Four-Fives monthly goals. Members should commit approximately three to four hours a week to fulfilling the reading, evaluation, and memorization assignments. Scripture memory can be easily accomplished by spending 3-5 minutes a day on the BibleMemory app.
Monthly Legacy large group meetings typically take place on the third Friday of the month from 7:00 – 8:30 am. The meeting will begin with a breakfast meal, followed by a testimony or teaching by a guest or member, and concludes with in-depth discussion of the Bible and book material, focusing on how they relate to growing in Christ personally and leading for Christ publicly.
The small groups consist of four members (Quads), led by a Quad Leader who is a Legacy alumnus. The purpose of these is groups is to allow confidential, personal, detailed, and robust discussion on the reading materials and strategic leadership issues, as well spending focused time on personal accountability and prayer. The groups are formed prior to the kick-off retreat and stay together for the full year. They meet once a month for 1.5 hours at a location and time chosen by the group.
Two Annual Retreats
Members will participate in two retreats a year, January and October. Both retreats will also serve as the monthly meeting. The January retreat will be a one-night experience at Lake Texoma. The purpose will be to provide the materials, explain the process, and allow all the participants to get to know one another. The retreat will begin with a meal in the evening, followed by introductions and a worship and teaching session. The retreat will progress through the morning of the following day with teaching sessions on the Four-Twelves, self-evaluation and accountability tools, and the Scripture memory app. It ends back in Prosper for a dinner and fellowship time with participants and their wives.
The second retreat in October takes place at a large lakeside home. It begins on Friday with a meal, worship, teaching, and the Lord’s Supper, followed by 18 hours of silence and solitude from Friday night until Saturday afternoon. Saturday evening features a bring your own meat cookout, reading materials discussion, and campfire fellowship. The retreat concludes on Sunday morning with a hearty breakfast, small group discussion, and a closing worship and teaching session.
Optional Travel Opportunities
Each year, Legacy Leadership will offer an optional experiential travel opportunity for participants, Legacy alumni, and spouses. On odd years it will take place in Washington D.C. in June. This two-day experience will include visits to key sites, meetings with congressional members, a guided tour of the Museum of the Bible, and an after-hours worship service/Lord’s Supper celebration in the Rotunda of the Capitol Building. On even years the optional retreat will take place in Israel for seven days. The tour will include visits to key Biblical sites in Tel Aviv, Galilee, Jerusalem, and the Judean desert, as well as a trip to the Dead Sea, Qumran, and Masada. Legacy will also offer an annual Marriage Retreat Experience.
Membership Investment
The annual cost of membership is $1200, with $240 due upon acceptance into the program, and the balance paid in 12 monthly installments of $80 per month. The membership fee includes materials (books, printed materials), meeting costs (venue, food, snacks, drinks), January and October retreat costs, administrative costs, and scholarship support.